There are a couple of different theories explaining the origins of the cornucopia, and they both share a common denominator: the Greek god Zeus. According to at least one legend, the infant Zeus was carried off to shelter on the orders of his mother to keep her husband Cronus from devouring him. He was left with Amalthea, a goat who swore to keep the infant god safe. According to ThoughtCo., Amalthea is said to have removed her own horn and used it as a cup to feed Zeus with.

Details of the Greek legend vary. Some say that Zeus accidentally broke the horn off of his overseer himself. In any case, Amalthea's horn is said to have had extravagant powers and became a symbol of eternal nourishment among Greek theologians of centuries past. By means of rewarding Amalthea, Zeus granted her a place among the tapestry of stars and she became the constellation Capricorn, as Gourmet Gift Baskets reports. 
