The only upside of waiting nearly two years for a new batch of Game of Thrones episodes, is that the drama’s upcoming eighth and final season premieres a week before the Easter holiday. More specifically, GOT returns on Sunday, April 14, while Easter falls a week later, on April 21.

Given the importance of eggs to both the religious holiday and the HBO drama, it was only a matter of time before some business capitalized on the overlap. Enter Deliveroo, an online food delivery service that operates in two hundred cities around the world. The London-based business announced on Wednesday, March 13, that it will sell chocolate eggs that weigh more than two pounds for a limited time this spring.

However, these massive eggs definitely didn’t emerge from a bunny or any other small, woodland creature. Instead, these chocolate treats are modeled after Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon eggs. Delish reports the sweets will be part of Deliveroo’s temporary “hatchery” section, and are made using fair-trade white chocolate. In effort to make the eggs as realistic as possible, they will also be hand-painted in a way that makes them look like they have dragon-esque scales.

The TV-inspired confections, which are a great deal given that they are priced at about $1 a pop, will be available beginning on April 14, and will be sold through Easter Sunday. GOT aficionados will also have the option to purchase a trio of chocolate eggs nearly identical to the multi-colored set Daenerys was initially given for her wedding to Khal Drogo.

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Unfortunately, none of the whimsical eggs will be sold stateside. Currently, there are plans to make them only available in London, Manchester and Leeds.

But if you’re looking to celebrate the final season of Game of Thrones with some themed eats, rest assured you’ll have plenty of tasty foods to choose from. In addition to a white walker whisky collection from Johnnie Walker and a Mother of Dragons beer, which was released in September, Oreo recently announced it plans to unveil cookies inspired by the award-winning show in the coming weeks.
