Esther Madrigal reached out to CBS2 to let us know of a Best of Idaho story.

Madrigal's grandparents go to Joe's Crab Shack in Boise every Friday for a lunch date. Obviously that couldn't happen due to Boise's no dine-in restaurant order.

This situation proved difficult for her grandparents because her grandfather has Alzheimer's disease and relies on a routine. Friday seemed to mess up the couple's routine and it wasn't easy for Madrigal's grandfather to understand.

That's when they heard a knock on the door. The grandparents' usual waitress brought them their usual order and a bottle of wine to their house, free of charge.

"The kindness that they showed my grandparents is amazing," Madrigal said. "My grandpa's smile was so big it could light up the room. It is because of people like Kaitlin from Joe’s Crab Shack who make me believe that we all can get through this tough time together by simply being kind to one another."
